Immerse yourself in the world of sports broadcasting at the Kansas Association of Broadcasters Student Broadcast and Sports Seminar, a dynamic event that brings together professional sports broadcasters, college and high school broadcast students, and faculty. Space is limited to 250 attendees and the registration deadline is April 3. Don't delay!
Attendees can look forward to a day filled with enriching activities. The event kicks off with keynote addresses delivered by prominent Kansas sports broadcasters, providing unique insights into the industry. The day also includes the exciting Student Awards Presentation luncheon, where outstanding achievements will be celebrated. Attendees can engage with the most popular topics in broadcasting through three informative sessions featuring expert panelists. To add a touch of excitement, a special tour of the Arrowhead Stadium and a Royals game are part of the day's agenda. Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and celebrate the vibrant world of sports broadcasting.
For full schedule and session descriptions, please visit: Student/Sports Seminar - Kansas Association of Broadcasters (
$15 per student/educator
$30 for KAB Member Professionals
$40 for Non-KAB Member Professionals
Meals are included in the registration fee
Royals tickets are an additional $20 per person.
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