Student Award Order Form

**Due to rising duplicate order requests, all duplicate plaques must be placed between March. 1 - April 1. One large batch order will be sent to our awards manufacturer after the April 1 deadline. Duplicate plaques will be distributed at the Student Broadcast & Sports Seminar in April. Those not in attendance will have their duplicate plaques mailed to them after the seminar (late April). No orders will be accepted outside of the duplicate ordering timeframe. 

KAB must receive payment before sending awards to our manufacturer. An invoice will be e-mailed to you within two business days upon form completion. Once payment has been received, we will submit your order. You will then receive your award in approximately two weeks. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or call our office at (785) 235-1307.

Cost per plaque:

1st place and 2nd place (5" x 7" plaque) $20 each (plus $10 shipping)

HM place (Certificate) - No Charge

Fields marked with an * are required.

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Award Info

Add a row for each category/contest. 

For example, if you're ordering two duplicates for 1st place/Sportscast, that information should all be indicated on one row. If you are also ordering 1st place duplicates for 2nd place Hard News Feature, add a row and input information.

Please type entry title and credits exactly as you would like them to appear on the duplicate award.

Category/Contest Title * Entry Title * School/University Name * Award Rank * Number of Duplicates Needed * Credit Changes *

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Shipping Address

How would you like to receive your awards?

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Shipping Address

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Shipping Address

Where would you like your awards shipped?