KAB Kids Scholarship Form

For children of full time employees at Kansas broadcast stations who are entering their first year of college or technical school. This form will only be active during the application period, Jan. 1 through April 15.

Who may apply – Eligibility requirements for a scholarship:

A student who will enter as a freshman a post secondary institution next fall (vo-tech, two-year community college, four-year college or university / private or public, in-state or out-of-state).

Major or field of study is not a determining factor

Station General Manager must certify that applicant is a child of a full-time station employee at least since last July 1.

The KAB Scholarship Committee will review the applications and essays and make a selection by May 1. Payment will be made to the post-secondary institution.

Please apply by April 15.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Applicant Information

Address Line 1

Use name of parent employed at a broadcast station.

Name of station parent is employed at.

Years and months


You will graduate this spring (or have graduated) from which high school?

Where will you will attend next fall?


List school and community activities and clubs and offices you have held.

List honors and other accomplishments.


Upload MUST be PDF format. Please put your first and last name at the top of your essay.

Please submit a minimum of 300 words addressing the following: 

• How have you benefited from your mother or father being in the broadcast business? 

• What career do you plan to pursue, and why did you select it? 

• In what activities have you participated related to your career choice? 

• What activity or affiliation have you found to be the most rewarding and why?

20MB max

Please upload documentation from broadcast parent's general manager certifying that the applicant is the son or daughter of stated employee and that employee has been employed full time at this station since last July 1. Please include GM signature. Use PDF format.

20MB max

Please type your name to certify the information on this application and attachments is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.